The Location You @ Now
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Tarikh Korula received his masters from NYU’s interactive media program (ITP) in 2000. His work has been shown at the International Symposium of Electronic Art (ISEA) in France and Japan, Siggraph, and group shows at London’s ICA and the online collection Refresh: The Art of the Screensaver at

Tarikh Korula 于2000年在纽约大学互动艺术系得到了他的硕士学位。他的作品曾被展览于法国与日本的国际电子艺术研讨会,美国计算机协会及英国ICA,他的作品也被网上收藏于

Project: CITY/SLICE is an experimental interactive sound installation that examines the ambient environmental sounds of New York City by digitally slicing and rearranging them into discrete and minute segments.


Selected Bibliography:
The New York Press ,“War Bombers: Antiwar Activists Protest with Portraits” 3.12.2003
New York Times, “Screen Savers as Artist’s Medium” 10.23.2000
Boulder Weekly “Virtual Spaces as Artistic Places” 2000

Tarikh Korula